French National Day


On 14 July this year the French Embassy in Warsaw held a reception on the occasion of France’s National Day to celebrate the values of the Republic and its symbols.

Following the end of H.E. Ambassador Frédéric Billet’s mission a month earlier, chargé d’affaires a.i. Lucie Stepanyan entertained over a thousand guests in the gardens of the French Embassy as part of a joint celebration of France’s National Day.

In her speech, the chargé d’affaires a.i. conveyed the former ambassador’s good wishes and highlighted the progress in French-Polish bilateral relations in the fields of education, military, economy, culture and nuclear energy. The Chargé d’affaires a.i. also emphasised Poland’s key role in the framework of European solidarity with Ukraine and the importance of Franco-Polish cooperation since the beginning of the conflict, also referring to the Franco-Polish-Ukrainian dialogue format called the “Rzeszow Triangle”. She also referred to the partnership between France and Poland, saying:

In the spirit of the Franco-Polish strategic partnership, our political dialogue is becoming increasingly intense. Our two countries do not always agree on everything. But that is the charm of democracy and the diversity of Europe. We always try, in a spirit of constructiveness and mutual respect, to bring our points of view closer together and to look to the future. Therein lies the strength of the historic Franco-Polish friendship and our faith in Europe.

The strengthening of our political dialogue also stems from the deep conviction expressed by the French President in his speech in Bratislava on 31 May this year, who said: “There is only one Europe. A unified fabric made up of intertwined histories and diversity, but with a desire for geographical and geopolitical unity and the construction of a common narrative”.

We French and Poles are well aware of these intertwined histories mentioned by the French President. We have been able to join forces on many occasions, and this year we are celebrating the centenary of Marshal Foch’s visit to Poland, during which he received the baton of Marshal of Poland. This anniversary reminds us of the French-Polish brotherhood of arms after the First World War, embodied in a military mission in which a young Captain De Gaulle trained Polish non-commissioned officers for several months. Today, French soldiers are again training, this time Ukrainian soldiers, on Polish soil as part of the European Union’s EUMAM military assistance mission. I am particularly pleased by the presence at today’s reception of French soldiers from a unit stationed in Poland.

The speech by chargé d’affaires a.i. Lucie Stepanyan ended on a sporting note, congratulating our Polish friends on the organisation of the European Games in Krakow, which enabled many athletes to qualify for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris next year.

The reception was attended by representatives of the diplomatic corps, Polish government offices, business representatives and friends of the embassy. The Polish authorities were represented by Arkadiusz Mularczyk, Secretary of State at the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In his speech, he emphasised French-Polish cooperation and the close ties between our countries.

The official part of the reception was highlighted with a concert by a choir from the French Lyceum in Warsaw and an orchestra of French soldiers from a unit stationed in Poland.

France’s national holiday is an opportunity for the French to celebrate the values of the Republic and its symbols.

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