Romanian celebration


Romania’s National Day was celebrated on 28 November at the Regent Hotel in Warsaw.
The guests attending the ceremony were welcomed by H.E. Cosmin Onisii Ambassador
of Romania. Addressing those in attendance, he said:

The actual historical moment we are celebrating is 1 December 1918, the day of the Great Union, when the elected representatives of Romanians in the historic provinces of Transylvania, Banat, Krishan and Maramureş, gathered in the legendary city of Alba Iulia, unanimously proclaimed the union of these territories with Romania and thus signed the act of the birth of the national unitary Romanian state.

In his speech, H.E. Cosmin Onisii referred to the Russian-Ukrainian war, saying:

The brutal, illegal, totally unprovoked Russian aggression against Ukraine has not only not ended, but has continued for 642 days. 642 days of continued blatant disregard and blatant violation by Russia of essentially all norms of international law and international humanitarian law. Romania continues to stand by Ukraine and will continue to do so for as long as necessary. We also welcome the European Commission’s recent recommendation to start accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. Russia’s war against Ukraine underlines the importance of our support for the European aspirations of both the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

He went on to address the ongoing conflict between Palestine and Israel in the Middle East, saying:

The security situation in the Middle East has deteriorated significantly. We condemned in the strongest terms the massive terrorist attack by Hamas on 7 October and recognised Israel’s right to self-defence, in accordance with international humanitarian law. Romania regrets the high number of civilian casualties and the deterioration of the humanitarian situation. We support diplomatic efforts to prevent a regional escalation of the conflict, the release of all hostages and the protection of civilians in Gaza. A just and lasting peace requires a durable solution, and a two-state solution based on the rules of international law remains the only viable one.

In his speech, H.E. the Ambassador also raised extremely important issues concerning diplomatic relations between Romania and Poland.

Romanian-Polish relations have deep roots and an extremely solid foundation, relying not only on our long history of friendship and cooperation and shared cultural heritage and values, but also on common security concerns. We are therefore committed to adding to our illustrious past and outstanding present an equally promising future.
While last year we celebrated the 100th anniversary of Marshal Jozef Pilsudski’s first visit to Romania, this year we had the honour to commemorate, here in Warsaw, in the presence of His Royal Highness Prince Radu of Romania, the 100th anniversary of the first visit of the Romanian royal family – King Ferdinand I and Queen Maria – to the newly reborn Poland, in June 1923, at a time when both countries were struggling to secure their new status, gained and/or regained, respectively, with enormous sacrifices during the First World War – said H.E. the Ambassador.

In addition, the Romanian ambassador summarised what he called the “valuable deeds” that our countries have performed together. These are:
1. Romania and Poland worked closely, together with the rest of the Allies, for a significant, reassuring outcome to the historic NATO summit in Vilnius in July. The four meetings in the Bucharest 9 format, co-convened by the Romanian and Polish presidents, held this year – at the level of heads of state, foreign and defence ministers, and national security advisors – provide solid evidence in this regard.
2. Bilateral economic contacts, in both dimensions – mutual investment and bilateral trade – show
a steady upward trend. A noteworthy event is the entry into force this year of the Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Poland on cooperation in the field of defence, of particular importance in the current security context.
3. The successful fourth session of the Romanian-Polish intergovernmental consultations held in March in Bucharest resulted not only in the decision to launch a Romanian-Polish cultural season to be held between the summer of 2024 and the autumn of 2025, but also in the joint establishment of 3 March as “Romanian-Polish Solidarity Day” to be commemorated and celebrated annually. This is an absolute premiere for Romania, which once again shows the importance it attaches to its bilateral strategic partnership with Poland – said H.E. the Ambassador.

He added that in addition to the many events that will be organised in both Romania and Poland to celebrate the newly established Romanian-Polish Day of Solidarity, several other landmarks from the two countries’ shared history will be worth noting next year: 105 years of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations, 85 years since the Polish exile to Romania at the beginning of World War II and 15 years of bilateral strategic partnership. The list will also include 20 years of NATO membership, which Romania will celebrate in 2024.
An exhibition realised by the Romanian Cultural Institute in Warsaw and dedicated to the Via Transilvanica project was displayed in the hotel lobby. The Via Transilvanica is Romania’s first long-distance trail of more than 1,400 km, to be travelled on foot, by bicycle or on horseback. It reveals Romania to the world and highlights its rich heritage.
The Doina Chioarului folklore group from Maramures County in northern Romania entertained the audience with their performance of traditional songs and dances.
The participation of many distinguished guests, the beautiful performance of the artists and the delicious Romanian cuisine and excellent Romanian wines served during the evening made this year’s celebration of Romania’s Independence Day unforgettable.

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