New Gurewicz Restaurant


New Gurewicz Restaurant is a unique restaurant in Otwock, located in the historic Abram Gurewicz Pension. The history of this building obliges us to be in line with its glorious past – so we wanted this place to be a worthy representative of it, taking guests on a fascinating historical journey while offering a modern experience in terms of both culinary art and atmosphere.

The chef at Nowy Gurewicz Restaurant is the talented Przemyslaw Gryz, winner of the 2014 Polish Culinary Cup. His passion for cooking and desire for continuous development means that the restaurant menu is always full of surprises. Chef Gryz specialises in Polish cuisine with a pinch of authorial improvisation in a modern edition. He uses local ingredients and takes care of the high quality of dishes prepared. Not only does he create dishes, but he is also involved in beekeeping, having his own apiary in the restaurant garden, from where honey is obtained to be used in the desserts served here.

The menu at New Gurewicz Restaurant features wild fowl, beef, poultry and fish dishes, served with a touch of modernity for a unique dining experience.

The restaurant attracts a diverse range of guests, from gourmet Polish cuisine lovers to ones fond of history and architecture. The venue has also become popular with entrepreneurs who choose it for business meetings. The atmosphere of New Gurewicz Restaurant also attracts artists and culture lovers, creating a meeting place for people with different passions.

The building itself, which houses the restaurant, has listed status. The wooden verandas, richly decorated with lace details, are reminiscent of the place’s prime time. Thanks to original elements such as tiled cookers, cast-iron balustrades and wooden doors, which have been preserved in very good condition, the restaurant interiors exude the atmosphere of the former interwar period.

The history of the Abram Gurewicz building dates back to 1906, when Gurewicz and his son Szymon created a modest villa, which over the years was transformed into an impressive pension. Between the wars it hosted the capital’s intelligentsia, including such celebrities as Janusz Korczak or Julian Tuwim. The original architecture in the Świdermajer style and the surrounding park add to the place unique charm.

At New Gurewicz Restaurant history combines with modernity to create a place that not only pleases the palate, but also tempts with its unique atmosphere and rich history. It is a culinary and architectural masterpiece that is becoming a focal point for lovers of both cuisine and heritage.


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