48th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence of Angola


On the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence of Angola, H.E. Manuel Pedro Chaves Ambassador of the Republic of Angola hosted a reception at the Regent Hotel in Warsaw on 14th November. 

On opening the reception, the Ambassador of the Republic of Angola, Manuel Pedro Chaves, said
the following:

Today has special symbolism as it also marks the date on which the host country, the Republic of Poland, regained its independence. Exactly on 11th November 1975, 48 years ago, Dr António Agostinho Neto, the first President of the Republic and founder of the Angolan State, declared national independence, freeing the country from colonial subjugation, marking a turning point in its history and placing Angola among free and independent nations.

It was not an easy birth, but the result of a tenacious struggle against the oppressor and colonial occupier lasting almost five centuries, led by the indomitable spirit of our heroes, at the cost of losing the lives of our nation’s best sons and daughters.

In spite of this achievement, the proclamation of independence was made with the clang of weapons, following external invasions from the north and south of Angola, one of the longest and deadliest conflicts south of the Sahara after the Second World War, lasting 27 years.

Angola was thus one of the victims of the Cold War period that pitted the West against the East,
and our country was not left out in the search for areas of influence.

Despite the internal conflict, a civil war between disgruntled sons and daughters of the same homeland, the warring parties never closed the window for a negotiated solution to the conflict, the search for peaceful ways of resolving it, whether through the intervention of mediation and the good offices of the United Nations, the then Organisation of African Unity and friendly countries that were interested in a peaceful solution to the situation prevailing in Angola. The country remained strong, living through difficult periods of struggle against the destabilisation imposed by conflicting interests and an unfavourable international situation, due to the existence of two blocs competing for areas of influence, of which Angolan territory was the scene of the bloodiest and most destructive conflict of the 20th century south of the Sahara, after the Second World War.

Despite the prevailing situation, in 1991 the then Angolan People’s Republic adopted a multi-party system, started a market economy and held its first multi-party elections in September 1992.

Meanwhile, after various initiatives to achieve national harmony, Angola finally sealed peace on 4th April 2002 with the signing of the Luena Memorandum of Understanding, thus ensuring the necessary political stability towards multi-party progress and sustainable development.

Elections in Angola have been held regularly since 2012 and are now following the fifth round of general elections, which took place on 24th August 2022, when President of the Republic João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço was re-elected to lead the country. Since 2017, Angola’s current head of state under his leadership has promoted a series of deep internal reforms, emphasising the fight against corruption and the moral renewal of state institutions in order to create a more favourable business environment for attracting foreign investment and enhancing financial, economic and trade cooperation with other countries around the world.

At the same time, the Ambassador pointed out that some of the obstacles that discouraged foreign investment have been removed, making Angola an increasingly attractive country, able to showcase its natural resources, beautiful places and, most importantly, the openness of its people.

The Ambassador Manuel Pedro Chaves also highlighted that today Angola presents itself as a country striving for development, guided by the diversification of its economy, using its resources and partnerships to improve the basic living conditions of its population, thus guaranteeing the construction of infrastructures such as airports, roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, dams, as well as access to healthcare, education, housing and public security to ensure healthy and harmonious growth. The recent inauguration of the new Dr António Agostinho Neto International Airport by President João Lourenço is a clear demonstration of the Angolan Government’s determination to build a new Angola to serve Africa and the world.

The Ambassador also mentioned that, as a result of Angola’s role in resolving the conflicts raging on the African continent and its commitment to building peace on the continent, President João Lourenço was appointed the “African Union Champion for Peace and Reconciliation in Africa” in 2022.

At the end of his speech, H.E. the Ambassador highlighted that the Angolan government has carried out an extensive process of releasing and simplifying tourist visa procedures with more than half of the countries in the world, thus making it easier for people to experience the Angolan reality in terms of its natural wonders, as well as doing business and partnering with Angolan entrepreneurs. He also expressed his willingness to intensify cooperation with the Republic of Poland in various areas of common interest, particularly in fisheries, agriculture, mining, new technologies, public safety and personnel training. With this in mind, he informed the guests that the two countries had signed an agreement on the abolition of visas in diplomatic passports, which is already in force.

At the same time, he also mentioned another important development for his country. In October this year, the Republic of Angola hosted the 147th General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), attended by more than a thousand delegates from around the world, which served to discuss, the promotion of peace and democracy, issues related to terrorism and climate change.

The Ambassador was very emphatic that his country believes that all conflicts and disputes should be resolved through dialogue. He also congratulated the Polish people and the Republic of Poland on the exemplary and peaceful parliamentary elections held on 15th October 2023, which have only one winner – the Polish people. He congratulated the Polish people and government on Independence Day on 11th November, celebrated on the same day as his country but in different circumstances.

The official part of the reception was marked by a display of national dances and popular Angolan songs for the guests. The event was attended by representatives of the diplomatic corps and Polish government offices, as well as friends of the embassy.

Ada Krzewicka


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