Young artists as brave as Vikings


History and tradition captured in innovative forms – these were the artistic activities for which the weekly magazine Polityka handed out its Passports for 2023.

This is the thirty-first time that young artists have received distinctions known as ‘Polityka’ Passports for outstanding achievements in various fields of creativity. It was also the first time for the readers of the weekly to award their prize. It went to rapper Łona (Adam Zieliński).

There was a certain regularity to this year’s jury verdicts. Many of the artists awarded the prize create in modern forms, sometimes going against the grain of established trends. But at the same time they talk about history and tradition, including the tradition of Polish culture.

The best example is the Starward Industries team, which received the Passport in the Digital Culture category. Young people from Krakow created the computer game ‘The Invincible’, referring to Stanisław Lem’s novel ‘Invincible’. – I am glad that we Werę able to revive the memory of Lem,” said Marek Markuszewski, leader of Starward Industries, after receiving the award.

Polish history was recalled by Paweł Maślona, creator of the film “Kos” about Tadeusz Kościuszko. On the other hand, comic book artist Jacek Świdwiński presented a much closer, if somewhat forgotten, event in his award-winning work ‘Festival’ – the 1955 World Festival of Youth and Students in Warsaw. In turn, the duo of Karolina Mikołajczyk and Iwo Jedynecki were appreciated for ‘creating new repertoire for an unusual composition’, i.e. traditional instruments: the violin and the accordion.

It is often not easy for young artists to break through to a wide audience. Marta Nadolle, winner of the Passport Award in the Visual Arts category, remembered to refer to them. In a very emotional speech, without hiding her tears, she mentioned artists who are ignored by cultural decision-makers and are forced to work as teachers or shop assistants on a daily basis. – Let us be stubborn, let us fight like Vikings! – cried the artist.

The voice of the young painter was interestingly accompanied by the voice of the award-winning doyen of Polish culture, appealing not to give in to apathy. – I urge everyone not to be lazy, to read and think,” said the writer Józef Hen, winner of the special award “Creator of Culture”. Hen, who celebrated his 100th birthday in November 2023, received the award as a versatile author of novels, short stories, diaries and memoirs, fascinating biographies and film scripts.

The full list of award winners and photos from the gala, which took place on 16 January 2023, can be found on the Internet:

Paweł Rochowicz


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