Two years of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine


Ambassador of Ukraine Vasyl Zvarych is interviewed by Ada Krzewicka

The full-scale Russian aggression against Ukraine has lasted two years. How would you summarize these two years?

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the start of Russian aggression against Ukraine, which began with the occupation of Crimea after the Revolution of Dignity, the pro-European manifesto of the Ukrainian people. 24 February marks the second anniversary of the outbreak of the Russian Federation’s full-scale invasion of sovereign Ukraine.

During two years of full-scale Russian aggression against Ukraine, against a world order based on international law, the Ukrainian people have shown the world what true solidarity and sacrifice, strength and perseverance are. Every day our soldiers fight for victory at the cost of their own lives, demonstrating to the world an indomitable spirit and the will for a just victory.

This unprovoked and unjustified brutal aggression by Russian criminals has changed the world, and I hope that we will all learn from this tragic, painful, but also heroic lesson of history. Ukraine, together with its partners, has already broken many of the myths that Russia tried to present as reality and that, unfortunately, the world believed. The world has realised the importance of solidarity at all levels: interstate, interpersonal – whether in the synergy of society, the military and state institutions, in resisting an aggressor, or in helping millions of neighbours fleeing war. Then what seemed outside the realm of possibility became a reality, despite all the pessimistic predictions.

No regime, no war against the world order can defeat freedom. Only a lack of unity can “bring freedom to its knees.” Solidarity makes us proud of ourselves and opens up new possibilities and opportunities. Our unity must be as strong as the strength of the Ukrainian soldiers. Evil will never prevail if good unites forces. History has shown this more than once.

What is the situation on the front now?

If Ukraine had as many weapons and ammunition as Ukrainian soldiers have courage and determination, we would now be talking about the issues of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, bringing the perpetrators of the Kremlin regime’s war crimes to justice and compensation for the damage caused by the Russian Federation’s aggression and maintaining a just peace in the world.

Ukrainians, even today, remain united in their determination to resist the aggressor and believe in victory and the liberation of their homeland.

The front line in Ukraine is currently 3,200 kilometres long, with intense fighting going on for 1,200 kilometres. The Ukrainian military, which is resisting the aggressor, needs new resources – military equipment and weapons.

Ukraine is paying the highest price – the lives of the nation’s top representatives – to restore its sovereignty within internationally recognised borders.

Today, more and more countries around the world are beginning to understand that Russia will not stop at Ukraine, just as it did not stop at the occupation of Crimea. As long as the occupation continues, neither Ukraine, nor Europe, nor any other region of the world will be safe.

Ukraine is developing cooperation with partners in the defence and security sphere, holding consultations on the implementation of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s Peace Formula, concluding bilateral security agreements with individual guarantor countries, and working on relevant documents with countries that have joined the Group of Seven Declaration on Security Guarantees for Ukraine. We still need rapid supplies of arms and ammunition to break the course of this war, achieve victory and save as many human lives as possible.

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