Thailand’s National Day


The Royal Thai Embassy held an Independence Day reception at the Royal Castle Ballroom on 27 November.

The event opened with a speech by H.E. Urasa Mongkolnavin Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand. After welcoming the distinguished guests, the Ambassador said:

Our National Day, which falls on 5 December, is the birth anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great and Father’s Day of Thailand. His 70-year reign was one of the longest in history and his work has touched millions of people, not only Thais but also people around the world.

One of His Majesty’s legacies was the ‘Philosophy of the Prosperity Economy’ or SEP, which set Thailand on a better path of sustainable development. The Philosophy of the Prosperity Economy (SEP) continues to be the guiding light for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Thailand and the framework for our international development cooperation with partners around the world through our SEP for SDGs partnership projects. SEP has also been endorsed by the United Nations as an alternative approach to achieving the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Ambassador then focused on discussing bilateral relations between Thailand and Poland, as last year marked the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between these two nations. She mentioned that during the first half of this century, relations between our countries have matured and flourished. In March of this year, Waldemar Kraska, Chairman of the Polish-Thai Parliamentary Group, travelled to Thailand with members of the Group to discuss ways to strengthen cooperation in economic development, education, tourism and public health. The Ambassador also mentioned that the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Thailand and Poland are currently working together to plan the next political consultative meeting to be held in Thailand in the first half of 2024, with
a focus on economic cooperation and the organisation of a business forum to promote trade and investment cooperation between our countries.

She added that Poland is Thailand’s largest trading partner in Central Europe. Thailand, in turn, is Poland’s third largest trading partner in Southeast Asia. Bilateral trade between our countries has exceeded one billion USD and covers various sectors, including food, IT, medical equipment and digital transformation.

The Ambassador went on to say that the post-Covid-19 outbreak period has brought new global challenges in many areas. She assured that Thailand is ready to expand cooperation with Poland to jointly address these challenges. She added that the political consultative meeting to be held in 2024 will provide a platform for Thailand and Poland to take stock of their past cooperation and further discuss to plan new developments that will lead to strengthening the mutual interests of both countries.

In addition, she stressed that Poland is one of the first European Union countries to ratify the EU-Thailand Partnership and Cooperation Agreement. Her country greatly appreciates this fact, viewing it as a friendly gesture of mutual support and readiness for further cooperation.

The Ambassador said:

We see Poland as a country with great potential and an active role in the international arena. Now our two countries have agreed to increase the dynamics of our relationship. Given these encouraging elements, together with the determination of the new Thai government to pursue a proactive and forward-looking approach to increase economic cooperation with our friends and play more creative roles on the international stage, I firmly believe that the two sides should join forces in setting a course for partnership and cooperation that leads to increased prosperity for our countries and peoples in the years to come.

The reception was attended by representatives of the diplomatic corps, Polish government offices, business representatives and friends of the embassy. Several hundred people gathered at the ceremony.

The official part of the reception was highlighted by a piano concert, as well as a performance by the Thai Dance Troupe from the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, who presented three Thai dances. The first was ‘Sad Chatri’, which is originally a prelude dance to Chatri theatre, the oldest folk style of Thai classical dance drama. The second is a martial art and combat sport performed by the ‘Muaythai’ group, which originated from the ancient battle tactics of the Siamese (or Thai) army. The third is ‘Bangkok Muang Fa Amon Dance’. This is a contemporary dance inspired by the Bangkok motto.

Guests at the reception thoroughly enjoyed the performance of the Thai artists. Some of them tried to immortalise the performances by taking souvenir photos or recording short videos on their phones. After the exceptionally spectacular artistic part, the guests were invited to enjoy refreshments of excellent Thai cuisine, which has many supporters in Poland and therefore it is no wonder that guests very much enjoyed this part of the evening.

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