Rwandan rhythms


On 17 March this year, a performance by a group of young Rwandans, Ballet Icyeza Polska, took the audience to the heart of Africa at Dom Kultury KADR.

The communities of Rwanda and Poland had the opportunity to unite through dance at the inauguration of Ballet Icyeza, a traditional Polish ballet showcasing the rich culture of Rwanda. His Excellency Ambassador Prof. Anastase Shyaka welcomed the guests and thanked the young artists for promoting Rwandan culture in Poland. He praised their commitment to bring Rwanda to Poland through culture.

In addition to a demonstration of the Rwandan warrior dance (called Imihamirizo), the programme included many other traditional Rwandan dances. A short film about the history of Icyeza (Inkuru Y’Icyeza) was also shown. The Rwandan dancers were joined by artists from Zimbabwe, Nigeria and a dance group from Poland.

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