National Day of the Republic of Bulgaria


March 3rd is the National Day of the Republic of Bulgaria. This year the Bulgarian Embassy in Poland celebrated it for the 146th time since 1878, and it is an emanation of the Bulgarian spirit and the Bulgarian ideal.

The ceremony, held at the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Warsaw, was attended by high-ranking officials of the Republic of Poland, ambassadors, charges d’affaires from friendly embassies, Bulgarian representatives of the cultural and business world, as well as embassy staff. Dr Marek Prawda, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Antonio Guido Filipazzi, were special guests.

The meeting began with the national anthems of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Poland. Then H.E. Margarita Ganeva, Ambassador of the Republic, delivered a speech in which she referred, among other things, to the history of Bulgaria’s liberation, saying, After 1878, Bulgaria regained its place as a country on the geographical and political map of the world. It returned to the European stage to continue its ancient history and pave the way for its modern construction as a sovereign state. In the light of the ideals of the Bulgarian Revivalists of the 19th century – Rakovsky, Botev and Levski – for which they and many other Bulgarians sacrificed themselves completely, they are timeless and relevant almost a century and a half later – Freedom and democracy must be defended every day!

Her Excellency the Ambassador also noted the solidarity and sacrifice of the many European and non-European nations and individuals who participated in the liberation of Bulgaria. Belarusians, Georgians, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Moldovans, Poles, Romanians, Russians, Ukrainians, Finns – both as ordinary soldiers and as recognised military commanders – took part in the war.

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