Luxembourg National Day


It is my honour and pleasure today to welcome you to the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Warsaw to celebrate Luxembourg National Day together. This is an excellent opportunity to celebrate the friendship between our countries, as well as an opportunity to recall the activities we have undertaken over the past year – with these words, H.E. Paul Schmit, Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to Poland, began his speech.

In his speech, H.E. the Ambassador referred to the war in Ukraine by saying: the perseverance and courage of Ukraine should be an example for all of us and remind us of the inherent values we all cherish – freedom, sovereignty and the rule of law.

He added: Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified aggression against Ukraine is a complete violation of international law, which causes a threat to the entire security situation in Europe. Not long ago, my Prime Minister Luc Frieden said: “Luxembourg stands on the side of Ukraine and will continue to provide political and financial support, as well as military and humanitarian assistance.” Our unity in the European Union and NATO must continue. That is why I am pleased that our prime ministers have already met twice this year. Prime Minister Luc Frieden came to Poland in April, and Prime Minister Donald Tusk visited Luxembourg two days ago.

The Ambassador then touched on the future of the European Union and the role Luxembourg and Poland play in shaping the vision for Europe. According to the Ambassador, the October elections in Luxembourg, which took place a week before the elections in Poland, demonstrated his country’s faith in the future of the European Union and renewed Luxembourg’s mandate to continue on the path toward innovation, integration and sustainable development. In Poland, where there was also a change of government, the election results underscored Poland’s commitment to democratic processes and prepared the ground for important initiatives that will undoubtedly affect the European Union and its common goals. Ambassador Schmit also expressed his belief that the upcoming Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union will offer many interesting perspectives and wished Poland success.

In his speech, the Ambassador also emphasized the significant role of economic relations between Poland and Luxembourg. Since Poland joined NATO and the European Union, 25 and 20 years ago, bilateral relations between the countries have developed consistently.

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