
We are here in Kwibuka30 to commemorate the 1994 genocide of Tutsis in Rwanda. In just 100 days, more than one million people were killed – with these words, H.E. Professor Anastase Shyaka, Rwandan Ambassador to Poland, began his speech at the third ceremony organised in Poland to commemorate the largest genocide in Rwandan history.

Prior to his speech, H.E. the Ambassador welcomed the guests attending the ceremony: MPs, senators, His Excellency Ambassadors, members of the Diplomatic Corps, His Eminence Antoine Kambanda and Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich, university rectors and leaders of the business community in Poland, as well as a large group of friends of Rwanda in Poland from all walks of life and Rwandans living in Poland. The guest of honour at the event was Andrzej Szejna Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

This year’s Kwibuka30 celebrations in Rwanda were held under the motto ‘Remember – Unite – Renew’. – We remember because it is our profound duty to keep the eternal flame of our loved ones alive for future generations and to preserve the memory of the words with the meaning of ‘never again’’ – said H.E. the Ambassador.

In his speech, H.E. Prof. Anastase Shyaka also referred to the short documentary film Kwibuka30, screened at the beginning of the ceremony. The film discusses the causes of the genocide, its historical context and tells the story of Rwanda’s progress over the last thirty years. His Excellency the Ambassador added: It has not been easy, but Rwanda’s tremendous progress is evident and is the result of the choices Rwandans made together to save their nation and trust in the idea of a united Rwanda. This required good leadership and resilience. Rwanda and Rwandans were ready for both. And they still are.

His Excellency the Ambassador also quoted the words of Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda, who stated during the Kwibuka30 keynote address: Our journey has been long and difficult. Rwanda was utterly humbled by the enormity of our loss. And the lessons we have learned are etched in our blood. But the tremendous progress of our country is clearly visible and is the result of the choices we made together to resurrect the nation. The basis of everything is unity.

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