Following the trace of Mattia Preti’s paintbrush we discover Malta’s Baroque secrets


On 19 October 2023, the Royal Baths Museum hosted the grand opening of an exhibition of paintings by the Italian Baroque painter and fresco artist Mattia Preti and an exhibition of artefacts exploring Malta’s diverse and rich 8,000 year-old history.

The exhibition ‘Mattia Preti. Discovering Malta’s Baroque Mysteries’ is a unique event, the result of the collaboration between the Embassy of Malta in Warsaw, the Royal Łazienki Museum and the Maltese National Heritage Institute – Heritage Malta, who have shown great commitment in organising this initiative to promote the culture and the heritage of Malta.

The ceremony was hosted by H.E. the Ambassador of the Republic of Malta to Poland, Dr Marisa Farrugia, the Director of the Royal Łazienki Museum, Dr Marianna Otmianowska and the Chief Executive officer of Heritage Malta, Mr. Noel Zammit.

Culture and art transcend borders

H.E. the Ambassador of the Republic of Malta to Poland, Dr Marisa Farrugia, speaking at the opening ceremony of the exhibition said:

This exhibition would not have taken place had it not been for the genuine interest in Malta and its culture on the part of the late Professor Zbigniew Wawer, the previous Director of the Royal Baths, and then the determination of the current Museum Director to continue the project. – This experience of cultural diplomacy has deepened the ties between our people and forms the basis of a lasting relationship between our countries.

Furthermore, the Ambassador emphasised that the exhibition not only showcases Mattia Preti’s original masterpieces, but also exhibits Maltese original artefacts and objects related to Malta’s rich history, which for centuries has been a meeting place for different cultures and nationalities.  The Ambassador noted that the exhibition is not  merely a celebration of art, but also a ‘celebration of the spirit and soul of Malta’, which has made a Euro-Mediterranean contribution to world history and art, and the artistic legacy of Mattia Preti.

Malta’s Baroque legacy

At the opening ceremony of the exhibition, the CEO of the Malta National Heritage Institute – Heritage Malta Noel Zammit indicated that he was proud to accept the proposal to collaborate with the Royal Baths Museum, as he greatly appreciated the outstanding talent and legacy of Mattia Preti. He expressed the hope that the exhibition on display would inspire people to discover Malta’s Baroque mysteries, delve into its history and learn about its national treasures, which is, for example, the collection of works by this inspired, outstanding artist.

A journey into the land of light and shadow

This exhibition is not only an exposition of outstanding paintings, but the story of the life, the artistic path of Mattia Preti, who is one of the most important painters of the mature Baroque period and a representative of the emotional current of this era. In his work we perceive an excellent painter, but also an artist of light, who with every brushstroke takes us into the depths of human emotion. In an original way, he combined the luminism of Caravaggio and the rich colouring of Titian and Veronese, developing his own unique style. He painted with expressive elegance, creating striking, animated compositions that have allowed his art to stand the test of time.

The first part of the exhibition explores the history of Malta and presents objects that are examples of Maltese artistic craftsmanship and objects related to the island’s history. Here, against the backdrop of Maltese culture, we are introduced to the painter Mattia Preti, who spent a large part of his life in Malta, creating his most outstanding works there.

The next part of the exhibition, arranged chronologically, introduces us to the painter’s early works, created while he was still in Italy, before he moved permanently to Malta in 1661. We learn about the course of his artistic path, his education and the beginnings of his career. The core of the exhibition consists of outstanding religious and biblical paintings commissioned by the Order of the Knights of St. John of Malta, such as ‘Young St John the Baptist in the habit of the Knights of St John’, ‘St Bartholomew’, ‘Lot and his daughters’, ‘The Drunkenness of Noah’ or ‘Daniel interpreting the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar’. These works come from the National Museum of Fine Arts in Valletta and the Gozo Museum (Heritage Malta). In addition, we can admire the paintings ‘Bow of the Shepherds’ and ‘Part of a Triptych’ which come from Polish cultural institutions; the Royal Castle in Warsaw and the National Museum in Warsaw.

The exhibition also shows Mattia Preti as an outstanding frescoist of St John’s Cathedral in Valletta. He created a series of paintings on the six-bay vault depicting the life and martyrdom of, among others, St John the Baptist. The frescoes, with masterful illusionistic effects, were created between 1661 and 1666, and he also decorated the apse and the church chapels. We can get to know this unique gem of Baroque painting better through an installation with replicas of the frescoes.

The exhibition ‘Mattia Preti. Discovering the Baroque Mysteries of Malta’ is not just a display of works, but an insightful journey through the life and work of Mattia Preti that is sure to provide an unforgettable experience for art lovers. In its light, Mattia Preti becomes not just a Baroque artist, but a true master who defined his era.

The exhibition ‘Mattia Preti. Discovering the Baroque Mysteries of Malta’ is not just a display of works, but an insightful journey through the life and work of Mattia Preti that is sure to provide an unforgettable experience for art lovers. In its light, Mattia Preti becomes not just a Baroque artist, but a true master who defined his era.

The exhibition remains open at the Royal Łazienki Museum until 3 March 2024.

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