Festa della Repubblica!


On 4 June of this year, the celebration of the National Day of the Italian Republic organised by the Italian Embassy in Warsaw took place in the Great Hall of the Warsaw University of Technology.

Today we are celebrating the 78th anniversary of the referendum in which Italians decided that they wanted to live in a Republic, in a democratic state. Such a choice was also possible thanks to the heroism of the many Polish soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice on Monte Cassino and on other battlefields, which contributed to the liberation of Italy and to the renewal after the dark years of war and dictatorship, with these words, H.E. the Italian Ambassador Luca Franchetti Pardo began his speech.

He went on to add: On the second of June 1946, Italians, free from pressure, made a clear stand for peace, freedom, democracy, the rule of law and the well-being of citizens. These same values guided Italy when it became a founding member of the EU and NATO.

Similar values were the motivation of the Polish people, exactly 35 years ago, on 4 June, during the first free elections.

It is the same values for which Ukrainian friends, in the wake of brutal Russian aggression, have been fighting non-stop for two years. And it is precisely for this reason that Italy, together with its friends and allies, stands – and will stand for as long as it is needed – on the side of the Ukrainians, whose future lies in undoubtedly belonging to the European family.

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