Feast of Azerbaijan


On 23 May of this year, the National Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan was celebrated at the Warsaw Philharmonic Hall. On the occasion of the 106th anniversary of independence, guests were treated to a concert of Azerbaijani jazz and the opening of an exhibition on Azerbaijan’s Christian heritage.

The guests were welcomed by H.E. Nargiz Gurbanova, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Among them were: heads of diplomatic missions accredited to the Republic of Poland, representatives of the Polish Sejm and Senate, government offices, and friends of Azerbaijan. Special guests and at the same time co-organisers of the event were Ravanov Hasanovov, Executive Director of the International Centre for Multiculturalism in Baku, and Elmaddinov Mehdiyevov, Director of the Azerbaijan International Development Agency. H.E. the Ambassador also thanked the leaders of the Christian community of Azerbaijan for attending the event, as well as Professor Anar Naghyev, Rector of Baku Slavic University, the largest university in the South Caucasus where the Polish language is taught.

In addressing the guests, H.E. Nargiz Gurbanova said the following:

On 28 May 1918, the first parliamentary democracy in the Muslim and Turkish world – the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR) – was established with the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. The ADR successfully established effective state institutions, ensured the rights of its citizens regardless of ethnic or religious background, ensured women’s suffrage and gained the trust of the international community. Azerbaijan’s parliament was a democratically elected, multi-party and truly representative legislative body. During its two-year term, the ADR was led by five executive cabinets and the parliament debated more than 240 bills.

Later in her speech, H.E. the Ambassador referred to the role of Poles who have contributed to the implementation of the domestic and foreign policy of the new Azerbaijani government. She also emphasised the strategic nature of relations with Poland, encompassing many spheres, such as political dialogue, economic cooperation, partnership in culture, education and science, mutual support in multilateral forums, and very warm people-to-people relations.

The Ambassador then focused on highlighting her country’s achievements, saying: today Azerbaijan under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev is as strong as ever, with a vibrant society, a rich mosaic of cultures and religions and a mature political system. Azerbaijan is the largest economy in the South Caucasus and plays an important role in its region and internationally. Azerbaijan is an initiator and key enabler of major energy and transport connectivity projects, including the Southern Gas Corridor and the Central Transport Corridor, which have opened up the Caspian region to international cooperation and reshaped the connectivity map in Europe and in the wider region. Azerbaijan’s selection by unanimous decision to host COP29, to be held in Baku this November, is a sign of the international community’s confidence in Azerbaijan’s vision for a greener world.

At the end of her speech, the Ambassador invited everyone to view the first ever photo exhibition on the Christian heritage of Azerbaijan, which is home to many religions and cultures, coexisting in the country in an atmosphere of peace and mutual respect, followed by a jazz concert.

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