Egypt: a heritage that continues to inspire us


In the midst of the desert ocean, where golden sands meet the blue waters of the Nile, there is a place that has fascinated explorers and scholars for centuries. Ancient Egypt, the cradle of civilisation, developed around 3100 BC, when King Narmer united Lower and Upper Egypt, beginning the period known as the Old Kingdom. After a period of chaos, the Middle Kingdom (2020-1800 BC) brought stability and development, under rulers such as Mentuhotep II and Amenemhat III. Culture flourished and Egypt became a centre of trade and innovation. The New Kingdom (1550-1070 BC), Egypt’s golden age, was the time of the great pharaohs: the powerful Hatshepsut, the mysterious Tutankhamun, the innovative Echnaton and the warlike Ramses II. Their reign brought amazing achievements, from the temples of Karnak to the giant statues of Abu Simbel, and famous battles like the one at Kadesh, where Egypt clashed with the Hittites, suffering defeat.

After the fall of the New Kingdom, Egypt experienced successive waves of division and foreign rule – Persians, Greeks, Romans – but its culture survived, leaving an enduring legacy that continues to inspire and shape our modern world. As we travel through Egypt, from the hot sands of Giza to the Valley of the Kings in Thebes, we come across evidence of extraordinary engineering and architecture. The pyramids of Giza, rising majestically above the desert, are not only a symbol of the power of the pharaohs, but also an inspiration for modern architects. The complex structures and precise workmanship demonstrate the advanced knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, which today’s engineers seek to understand and emulate. Modern buildings, such as museums and monuments, often draw on Egyptian aesthetics. The pyramid-shaped Luxor Las Vegas hotel or the Egyptian-built Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum in San Jose, USA, although different in size and function, pay homage to ancient art.

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