
On 30 June this year, the Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Warsaw held a reception to celebrate the 63rd Anniversary of the Independence of the Democratic Republic of the Congo at the Raffles Hotel.

The ceremony, which took place at the Raffles Hotel in Warsaw, was attended by many distinguished guests. The reception opened with a speech by H.E. Mrs Clémentine Shakembo Kamanga, Head of Mission of the Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Poland. Here is its content:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today’s meeting, after hard years of pandemonium, in this place full of history opposite JÓZEF PILSUDSKI Square, the site of the Monument to the Unknown Soldier, is a sign of our struggle to join the National Sovereignty of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

NThe moment has come to pay a living tribute to our founding fathers of the Independence of the Democratic Republic of Congo, whose illuminating vision and struggle allowed us to become and remain a FREE NATION FOREVER.

Today, 30 June 2023, we celebrate the 63rd anniversary of Independence. Since 1960, we have had a fifth Head of State, His Excellency FELIX ANTOINE TSHISEKEDI TSHILOMBO, who on this day gathered our brothers and sisters at the Stade des Martyrs to remind all Congolese of their belonging to this great nation. By raising awareness about work and discipline to have a good life in this paradise on earth that all the industrialised countries of the world strive for.

The Democratic Republic of Congo, is a country of 2 345 410 km, located in the centre of the African continent. It is a great space left to us by our ancestors, which gives us pride in being Congolese therefore we must show it every moment of our lives and wherever we are.

Honoured guests,

In Warsaw, this 63rd anniversary coincides with the second POLAND-DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Economic Forum, which will take place from 25-30 June 2023. We are therefore honoured by the presence of the Polish and Congolese authorities, economic actors from our two countries.

Diplomatic relations between Poland and the Democratic Republic of Congo have existed since 1960. Our geographical similarities, the occupation of our spaces by foreigners at some point in our existence bring us closer together and allow us to exchange strategies to avoid future invasions. While Poland is indispensable in Central Europe, the same is true in the DRC, as the treatment of relations in Africa passes through the DRC, which is important.

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