Cuba the Unique Pearl of the Caribbean Cuba is an island of contrasts, nostalgia and authenticity that continues to delight travellers from all over the 2025-01-11
sLOVEnia – discover love Slovenia is the only European country where the Alps, the Mediterranean and the Pannonian Plain are all within 2024-11-05
Cyprus: an oasis of Mediterranean wonders Somewhere at the meeting point of three continents, where the rising sun plunges into the sapphire waters of 2024-07-27
Bosnia and Herzegovina: the pearl of the Balkans Bosnia and Herzegovina is a gem of the Balkans, hidden among green mountains and sparkling rivers, where every 2024-06-03
A colourful country at the foot of Mount Kazbek A country friendly to Poles, colourful and with a rich culture. Georgia impresses with its natural and man-made 2024-02-09
THE PHILIPPINES – paradise islands The Philippines is home to thousands of paradisiacal islands, fabulous rice fields, a mysterious underwater world and extremely 2023-10-06
EGYPT – land of the pharaohs Egypt is a country with a fascinating history dating back to the beginning of civilization. The attractions of 2023-10-06
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