Canada Day


On 26 June, Canada’s National Day was celebrated in the gardens of the Canadian Embassy in Warsaw.

The official part of the celebration began with the playing of the Canadian anthem and the “Dąbrowski Mazurka” by the Representative Band

Guests at the event were welcomed by H.E. the Ambassador of Canada, Catherina Godin, who said, It is with great pleasure that I stand before you today to celebrate Canada Day. On behalf of the Embassy and all Canadians, I extend our warmest greetings and gratitude to our Polish friends and partners who make us feel at home in this beautiful country.

She carried on and added, Today’s world is marked by geopolitical turbulence and unpredictability. We know that we are stronger when we stand together with our allies and friends, like Poland, in the face of some of the most important challenges to our collective security in decades.

Later in the speech, H.E. the Ambassador also touched on the critically important issues of defence and security and the economic relationship between Canada and Poland. H.E. Ambassador Catherina Godin noted that Canada and Poland are working hand-in-hand to address global challenges and seize new opportunities. Canada is a partner in Poland’s eastern flank policy, which includes supporting Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations, its economic development and combating disinformation. Canadian and Polish troops are deployed together as part of a multinational battlegroup based in Latvia and operating as part of a Canadian-led NATO enhanced forward presence of these troops. She also added that the Canadian and Polish armed forces are working together to enhance the capabilities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces as part of Operation UNIFIER.

Later in her speech, she referred to the strong ties between the two countries. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s visit was warmly received in Poland. He was accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly and Defence Minister Bill Blair. H.E. the Ambassador stressed that this direct engagement allowed for wide-ranging discussions in support of Poland’s goals for energy security, energy transition, and further developing the ever-growing trade relationship between our countries, including in the aerospace, ICT, and agriculture.

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