Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU


On 1 January Belgium took over the six-month presidency of the Council of the European Union from Spain. The program of the Belgian Presidency is under the slogan: “Protect. Strengthen. Prepare.”

The Belgian presidency started on 1 January and will last until 30 June of this year. It assumes the continuation and finalization of the most important projects already adopted by the EU institutions and work on six main priorities.

The continuation of previously initiated projects included, among others: debate on EU reform, financial support program for Ukraine, migration and asylum package and green transformation. The program also assumes reaching a consensus among the Member States regarding the reform of the EU financing system, as well as supporting the demands for further tightening of integration and strengthening the competences of the EU institutions. Moreover, the Belgian Presidency is to work towards better protection of European citizens and unwavering support for Ukraine.

Belgium takes over the presidency at a difficult time. It’s an honour, but also a responsibility. The European Union has never developed evenly. The greatest progress has often come in the most difficult moments, said Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo during the presentation of the political priorities of the Belgian Presidency on 8 December, 2023.

The Belgian Presidency’s programme includes six main priorities:

  • Defending rule of law, democracy, and unity

  • Strengthening our competitiveness

  • Pursuing a green and just transition

  • Reinforcing our social and health agenda

  • Protecting people and borders

  • Promoting a global Europe

Defending rule of law, democracy, and unity

The European Union is based on the respect for fundamental rights, the rule of law and democratic values, paving the way for cohesion, the protection of individual freedoms, equality and non-discrimination, and our citizens’ well-being. Defending the principles of democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights will be an essential element in the work of the Belgian Presidency of the Council.

Strengthening our competitiveness

In light of evolving geopolitical realities and the rapid development of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, the EU must prioritise its long-term competitiveness and industrial policies. The EU must ensure a level playing field for businesses, especially SMEs, enabling them to compete fairly both within Europe and on the global stage. A coherent, predictable and simplified regulatory framework is key. The EU must lead the way in creating a sustainable, innovative, and resilient digital ecosystem that empowers citizens and benefits businesses.

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