Azerbaijan hosts COP29


Azerbaijan is set to host COP29, the largest international climate event of the year. How might this conference contribute to the global efforts against climate change?

Climate change is a global challenge that goes beyond national borders. Rising global temperatures affect livelihoods globally on a daily basis. Climate change is not a future risk, it is a real and present danger. It’s time to take action on a larger scale and at a faster pace.

Azerbaijan will host the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 29) for the first time in the region from 11-22 November 2024. Being elected by a unanimous decision as the host country for COP29 is a sign of trust from the international community to Azerbaijan, and to what we are doing, in particular, in the area of green energy. It showcases the recognition of Azerbaijan’s leadership and efforts in addressing climate change at the national, regional, and global scales.

To host COP29 is a significant milestone for Azerbaijan. We are dedicated to further promoting global solidarity and unity in addressing the challenges of climate change. During our presidency, we will spare no effort to make a meaningful contribution to this urgent cause.

COP29 will be a force for good connecting North, South, East and West and mobilizing the international community to make progress on halting global warming. COP29 aims to establish a new climate finance goal that reflects the scale and urgency of the climate challenge and for COP29 agreements to support unlocking of climate finance funds and getting them to the nations that need them the most. Azerbaijan will build bridges between the diverging north and south to keep 1.5C in reach.

What are the key themes of COP29?

COP29 will focus on advancing the goals of the UNFCCC (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change) and the Paris Agreement, including efforts to limit global warming, adapt to the impacts of climate change, and mobilize financing for these activities.

Climate finance will be an important part of the negotiations at COP29. At COP29, we need to work together constructively to agree on a New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance. This goal will play a key role in our plan to build up momentum and mutually reinforcing action. The approaches and positions of the countries are different and we will try to achieve a consensus between state parties. Our efforts will be towards making the process inclusive as much as possible. We are listening to all parties to understand their expectations and help them refine potential landing zones based on a shared vision of success so that we can deliver a fair and ambitious new goal. The COP29 Presidency is also actively engaged with a wide range of actors, from multilateral financial institutions, the private sector, the financial services industry, and philanthropy to unlock climate finance and deliver the multiples we need. We need everyone to play their part so that we can build up unstoppable momentum in this critical decade of climate action.

COP29 will not be just about finance, we need the parties to signal their own determination and ambition by submitting NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions) and BTRs (Biennial Transparency Reports of the parties to the Paris Agreement), and as a Presidency we will support them in this meaningful path. It is time for everyone to make their contribution, on the basis of equity and in light of different national circumstances. If we can make progress on both – enhance ambitions and enable action, then we can create positive momentum and correct course. This is how we follow our guiding compass to 1.5 degrees to make sure that we leave no one behind and invest today to save tomorrow.

Moreover, as part of that collaboration, we work together with UAE and Brazil within Troika of Presidencies to significantly enhance international cooperation and the international enabling environment to stimulate ambitions in the next round of NDCs. We are working to promote an inclusive process that delivers inclusive outcomes at COP29.

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