
The celebration of the National Day of the Italian Republic, organised by the Italian Embassy in Warsaw, took place in the Great Hall of the Warsaw University of Technology on 31 May this year.

The gathered guests were welcomed by the Italian Ambassador, H.E. Luca Franchetti Pardo, together with his wife, Mrs. Marta Azevedo Franchetti Pardo. In the first words of his speech, the Ambassador thanked all the assembled guests for coming, in particular: Mrs. Gabriela Morawska Stanecka, Deputy Speaker of the Senate, Mr. Marcin Przydacz, Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the President, Mr. Jan Dziedziczak, Secretary of State, Mrs. Izabela Antos, Undersecretary of State in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Mr. Arkady Rzegocki, Head of the Foreign Service at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Emanuele Loperfido, President of the Italian Parliament’s Italian-Polish Parliamentary Friendship Section, and his Polish counterpart, Deputy Minister Grzegorz Piechowiak, as well as Their Excellencies the Ambassadors and representatives of the diplomatic corps.

Addressing the gathering, H.E. Luca Franchetti Pardo said:

Today we celebrate the birth of the Italian Republic: On 2 June 1946, the Italian people, after the devastation of the war, chose in a referendum to move from a monarchy to a republic. From this decision was born the Italian Constitution, which contains our fundamental values of democracy, freedom and respect for human rights. They are also the basis of the Charter of the United Nations, the European Union and NATO, of which both Italy and Poland are valuable members.

These same values were violated on 24 February last year by the brutal aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Not only did Russia commit atrocious crimes for which it will have to answer, but this aggression also violates a key principle of the international order based on the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. For these two reasons, Italy – together with with Poland and many other countries of the free world – stand by Ukraine.

In his speech, the Italian Ambassador also recalled the genesis of Polish-Italian relations dating back to the independence struggles of both countries, while highlighting the current cultural and commercial relations linking the Italian Republic and Poland. The Ambassador highlighted the satisfactory figures for trade exchange (33 billion euros in 2022) and tourist exchange (more than 2 million Poles visiting the Italian Republic annually and around 0.5 million Italians coming to Poland in the relevant period).

Referring to the role of culture and cooperation between educational institutions and universities of both countries, H.E. Luca Franchetti Pardo proudly announced Italy’s role as guest of honour at the next edition of the International Book Fair in Warsaw in May 2024.

Referring to the role of parliamentary diplomacy in building bilateral relations, H.E. the Ambassador recalled the state visit to Poland of the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, and of Prime Minister Giorgio Meloni to Poland, and thanked Emanuele Loperfido, President of the Bilateral Parliamentary Section for Italian-Polish Friendship of the Italian Parliament within the Inter-Parliamentary Union, for coming, thus announcing his later speech.

Referring to the forthcoming future, H.E. the Ambassador said:

Rome is a candidate city for EXPO 2030, which aims to put people and territories in the spotlight. This means facing together – through new solutions, ideas and strategies – the main challenges of today and tomorrow. To name but a few of them: climate change, resource exploitation, urban development, large migration flows. So I wish Rome’s candidacy every success!

Concluding his speech, the Ambassador addressed his greetings to the Italian citizens who live in Poland on a daily basis, stressing the fact that they constitute a valuable and unique community, thus expressing his gratitude for their support for him performing duties as Italian Ambassador.

After the official part, Italian cuisine, delicacies and delicious drinks selected by the Italian Embassy awaited the assembled guests. The dishes served that day were a display of the skills of master chefs and restaurateurs specially selected for the occasion.

It should be noted that the Italian Republic celebrates two public holidays – Liberation Day (25 April) and Republic Day (2 June). Republic Day (Festa della Repubblica) commemorates the referendum which abolished the monarchy by removing the Savoia family, having reigned over Italy since 1861, from power and established the Republic. It should be mentioned that this was the first election in the history of the Italian state in which women could also vote. De Gasperi became the first Prime Minister of the Republic, forming the first government of the newly established Italian Republic. On 27 December 1947, the country’s Constitution was adopted.

Every year, since 1950, a grand Armed Forces Parade has been held in Rome on 2 June in the Via dei Fori Imperiali avenue between the Colosseum and Venice Square, bringing together representatives of all military formations and forces of law and order, as well as services such as the Red Cross, Civil Defence and fire brigade. The President of the Republic, accompanied by representatives of the government and the most important state institutions, sits on the tribune of honour. The celebrations open with the President of Italy laying a laurel wreath at the Monument to the Unknown Soldier at the Altar of the Homeland (Altare della Patria) to the sound of the anthem ‘Il Canto degli Italiani’ (‘The Song of the Italians’). Representatives of international organisations such as the UN, NATO and the European Union take part in the celebrations.

The most spectacular part of the celebrations is the flight of the Italian Air Force machines – the pilots of the “Frecce Tricolori” colour the sky with three smoke trails in the colours of the Italian flag: green, white and red.

On this day, event participants have the opportunity to visit the gardens of the Quirinal Palace, the seat of the President of Italy. The ceremonial change of guards of the Cuirassier Regiment with the 4th Carabinieri Infantry Cavalry Regiment, which takes place on this day, can be watched on only two other occasions of this importance: during the celebration of National Flag Day and National Unity and Armed Forces Day.

Each year the parade has a different theme, including ‘Armed Forces for the Fatherland’, ‘The Republic and its Armed Forces involved in peacekeeping missions’, ‘150th anniversary of the unification of Italy’. Parades are also dedicated to earthquake victims or important social issues.

Official ceremonies to celebrate the Festa della Repubblica are also held in other cities of the Italian Republic: Milan, Turin, Naples, Genoa, Florence, Bologna, and throughout the country in smaller municipalities, while the state festivities are accompanied by a range of cultural activities and dedicated marches and parades.

In contrast, every 50 years the Italian state celebrates the anniversary of the unification of Italy and the proclamation of the creation of the Kingdom on 17 March 1861.


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