Joe Biden’s historic speech in Warsaw: an evening filled with symbols and declarations


On Tuesday, 21 February, US president Joe Biden gave a speech in the Kubicki Arcades at the foot of the Royal Castle in Warsaw. This is the second time in less than a year that an American leader has spoken in the Polish capital.

Hello Poland, our great ally. Thank you for welcoming me back here in Warsaw, the American leader began his speech. – Yesterday I came back from Ukraine and I can confirm: Kiev is holding strong! – he declared. – We are defending and will continue to defend freedom and democracy. Yesterday, at a meeting in Kiev, I told President Zelensky that we would defend these values, – added Joe Biden.

At the beginning of his speech, the American president noted that last year proved that the world would not look away after Russia’s brutal attack on neighbouring Ukraine.

Not only Ukraine, but the whole world is being tested: Europe, the United States, NATO, all the world’s democracies, – Biden explained.

A year after the start of the war, Ukraine remains free and independent, said Joe Biden and enumerated the areas that the Ukrainian army defended against the aggressor in recent months. The autocrat’s appetite cannot be satisfied, it must be resisted. He only understands one word. “NO!”. (…) Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia, – assured the US president.

Later in the speech, he added: When President Putin ordered his tanks, he expected us to withdraw, but he was wrong, said Joe Biden, joking that while the Russian president expected the “Finlandization of NATO,” he instead received the “NATOization” of Finland and Sweden. NATO is more united than ever, he stressed.

In his speech, the American leader also thanked Poland and Poles for their support for refugees from Ukraine. Poland has accepted over 1.5 million refugees from Ukraine. em>. – Your hospitality and generosity are amazing– the US president addressed the Poles.

He also announced that Russia would pay the price for its crimes..

We are strong and united. The world does not look away. After a year, we know the answer to many questions: we will defend sovereignty and democracy – emphasized Biden – let no one have any doubts that an attack on one of the NATO members is an attack on all. This is the sacred oath of the Alliance, – the US president assured everyone.

Joe Biden’s speech, according to many commentators, was very emotional and full of hope. It was a triumph of democratic values. It served three purposes: to unite European allies around the cause of Ukraine, energize and motivate them to continue to support Ukraine’s defence with money and arms, and telling Putin that the American administration and the whole world see the brutality of this war and will not stand idly by or deviate from the previously chosen course of helping Ukraine and setting the direction of the world after the war. He stressed that the world is now at a crucial moment. The decisions we make now will affect the years to come. People want to live in freedom, he added.

In his speech, Joe Biden used the word “freedom” many times, a word of great importance. The American president took the stage to deliver his speech to a song titled “Freedom”.

There is no greater pursuit than the pursuit of freedom. We know it in the USA, you know it, and we must do everything so that our grandchildren and children know it too – said Joe Biden and addressed all allies. He also called on NATO partners to unite, denied Moscow’s propaganda, and hinted about his candidacy in next year’s presidential election. He also firmly and confidently said Russia will never win in Ukraine..

It is worth emphasizing the symbolism of not only the words spoken by Biden, but also the wonderful scenery of Joe Biden’s speech in Warsaw to thousands of people. Equally meaningful was the end of the speech of the US leader during which children with the flags of the USA, Poland and Ukraine entered the stage.


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